Moving day is the occasion when all your planning and preparation comes together. You will not have to worry about moving day survival if you have plan your move well in advance, and have chosen professional movers with a good reputation
It is best prepare a moving day checklist and to refer to it frequently throughout the moving day countdown.
Arrange for a baby sitter to look after the kids. Keep pets in a seclude room or arrange to put them in a kennel during the move.
Clean out your home, and check every room and every closet to make sure that nothing has left behind. Ask the movers not to block the driveways of your neighbors, and clean up before you leave.
List the contents of each moving box on the label and mention the room where it is to place in your new home. Make a floor plan of your new home and mark the positions where you want each piece of furniture to place. Provide a copy of the floor plan to the household movers.
Present in your home while your possessions are load, or ask a responsible family member or friend to present. Make sure that your representative knows about the arrangements you have made with the moving company.
The driver will inspect your furniture, and a detail description of your possessions will mention in the inventory. Check the inventory carefully and make sure that you agree with the notations about the condition of your belongings before you sign it.
You will have to sign the Bill of Lading that mentions the terms and conditions under which your things are being transport, and also serves as the receipt for the shipment. Sign the documents after reading and understanding them, and keep them safely.
Provide your new address to the driver. Obtain the contact details of the destination agent, and provide a telephone number where you can contact while the shipment is in transit.
Notify the house movers in advance if you want them to unpack your things for you. Find out about how the movers expect to paid at the destination. The home movers may expect to paid in cash at the time of delivery.
prepare to serve refreshments to the movers and to tip them if you are satisfy with the services provide.
Arrange to have your utilities disconnect as soon as you move, and have a final reading of the gas, electricity, and water meters done. Keep the final bill or report safely. Provide the utilities with your new address, so bills will reach on time.
Check to see if all doors and windows are lock. Hand over the keys, alarm codes, and garage remote before you leave.
To get free moving estimates from reliable moving companies in your area, please fill out the short form provide here. Your contact information will never give to anyone without your permission, and there is no cost or obligation involve at all.
Please feel free to send us an email if you need any information or tips for moving day. We have help our customers to make smooth and easy relocations for years.